Be Part of the Change

Whether you volunteer your time or contribute financially, your involvement makes a lasting impact.


Lead an Educational Workshop or join us on a short-term trip. These opportunities last anywhere from one week to two months and allow professionals to share their expertise.


Your financial contributions sustain HEAL’s operations. Consider becoming a monthly donor or making a one-time contribution.

Spread the Word

Help us by sharing our mission or hosting a fundraiser.

Three Ways You Can Help

HEAL is committed to persisting in areas where humanitarian aid is most needed. 95% of your donation goes directly to our programs, with U.S.-based staff raising their own support to keep operational costs low.

English Teachers


Leadership Coaches

Barista Trainers

Lay Counselors

Internships & Short-Term Trips

Looking for humanitarian work experience? Join us for a 2-6 month internship to gain skills in administration, fundraising, networking, and event planning. Or, if you’re a professional, share your knowledge by leading a workshop.

Partner with Us

If you or your organization would like to collaborate with HEAL, let’s connect.